Copying is slavery, you have to reach the spirit. ~ Zen Proverb |
Numbers rule all things. ~ Pythagoras ▪ Each of our lives is interwoven with numbers and with numerical values. Our existence is based upon the chemical elements. ▪ The Universe evolved through the chemical elements, which are formed systematically in a numerical order, starting with proton number 1, 2, 3, and so on. ▪ Each chemical element has distinct properties, but shares also certain characteristics with other elements in the same group. Numbers are omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Numbers are archetypes and their existence does not depend on space and time. They represent a particular quantity and quality. Inherent in numbers are attributes. These attributes are representatives for the metaphysical concept or idea. The numbers' metaphysical connotations and their attraction, repulsion, or neutrality to each other are part of the psychic of the Universe. Numbers with their inherent attributes already pre-existed in the conglomerate from which the Universe evolved. With their symbolic meaning and substance, they form archetypes and therefore are part of the structure of the "collective unconscious" or universal psyche. Indeed, they partake in the physical as well as metaphysical realm, and manifest themselves, both physically and metaphysically through their diverse metaphysical functions. Numbers, with their individual qualitative attributes, create a symbolic reality serving as the underlying force for our creative reality. Metaphysical attributes of numbers 1-9
The above picture illustrates that the metaphysical attributes of numbers can be discerned within the chemical elements. As you can see some elements have colorless fields, whereas others not. Therewith is the natural color of the element illustrated. Hydrogen and helium, both gases, are colorless. From lithium up to boron the color changes from silverish white to black. Lithium and beryllium are metals, whereas boron is metallic and non-metallic. Boron separates the metals from the non-metals, which can be clearly observed by the change of the color, which is black. Carbon is a non-metal, which appears as colorless diamond or as black graphite in nature. Nitrogen and oxygen are both colorless gases. And fluorine, which is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements, is a gas and has a pale yellowish color. The properties of these elements correlate with the metaphysical attributes of numbers. |
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